Gundam Dynames Diorama WIP - 2

This is part 2 of the diorama of Dynames. I added in battle damage. This is my first time doing this and I figured it wasnt that bad. It was really fun. Every damage I made I made sure had a story behind it. In the second picture you can see a large hole near the GN drive, this hole doesnt go completely through but has a parallel hole on the other side. The story behind this is to be kind of the final hit Dynames went through in this fictitious fight. A  beam saber stab right through the chest after Dynames' right hand, the one he uses to pull the trigger on his main weapon, has been blown off in a struggle.

I made it seem that Dynames was clearly at a disadvantage in his fight but was doing well. He's hit by a few rounds from a distant range that he would normally wouldn't, but due to the struggle it couldn't be helped. In the end I made it work out that Dynames not only fought a large sum of enemies from a range, but that this imbalance has allowed enemies to get in his weak range which is close quarter combat. This is where the armor begins to be scratched up, his arm getting cut off, etc.


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