Korean BBQ #1

I found these on my SDHC card on my DSLR. These are pictures of my night out with friends for some korean bbq. To say the least, we went in with empty stomachs ready to eat at 10pm and coming out at 1am with feelings of regret, pain, and ecstasy. Our biggest mistake was probably ordering carbonated drinks as they don't help in keeping your stomach as empty as possible. Probably didn't notice but theres actually four of us. Friend Jordan was to my left so he wasnt in most of the pictures, but we all had to fist bump in the end for a job well done so his existence is acknowledged (: However painful it was, it was still very fun in the end and I can't wait to go back with them again. But we're extreme loafty and barely have the motivation to work through our very different schedule's  to properly go through with the plan. = ="

                                        Starting off the feast with smiles and thumbs up faggotry.



                                                              Mission accomplished.



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